Three-day trail: Panorama Trailrun from Davos, Klosters to Praettigau (Stage 2: Klosters - St. Antönien)

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The 2nd stage of the multi-day tour Davos-Klosters-Prättigau follows to a large extent the spectacular route of the Madrisa Trail. Along the Austrian border, one highlight follows the other with crisp routes and the most beautiful panorama.
Sure-footedness and fitness are required.
Suitable trail running shoes, backpack with drink (water or energy drink), food (bars, gels or a sandwich with Prättigauer mountain cheese and Bündnerfleisch?), windbreaker, mobile phone and emergency kit.
Mountain station Madrisa - Saaser Calanda - Rätschenhorn - Rätschenjoch - Gafier Joch - Gafiersee - St. Antönier Joch - St. Antönien
Public Transport
To Landquart with the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), then change to the Rhaetian Railway (RhB) in the direction of Davos. Get off in Klosters-Dorf.
Attention: The trains from Landquart in the direction of Scuol-Tarasp do not stop in Klosters-Dorf!
Anreise Information
Responsible for this content Prättigau Marketing.
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