Ä hübscha Tag.

The typical Walser sch sound is used almost throughout the Prättigau. For example, it is pronounced "schie" instead of sie.
Even the hard pronounced K in Chur German, as in "Khur", becomes a soft Ch. The famous "Khuchikhäschtli" thus becomes "Chuchichäschtli" and so for once people in Prättigau speak like the majority of German-speaking Swiss.
Of course, there are also well-known expressions in Prättigau. Here are a few particularly nice ones:
Däm chalbärät dr Holzschlägel (Schiitstock) uf dr Dilli - he succeeds in everything.
It's like a chicken and a lion - it's one thing and another
Där machät widrm an Grannä wieä ä schissägä Tschutt - He makes again a sour face
Nid gätaan wiä merken - act as if nothing is wrong
Many other dialect expressions, funny and interesting facts can be found in the book "Prättigauer Dialekt - Wörter und Geschichten" ("Prättigau Dialect - Words and Stories"), available from the book printer in Schiers.

How we sound
Here you can listen to how we Prättigauer "sound".