On the move.

Sledging rules
1. Consideration for others
All sledders* must behave in such a way that they do not endanger or harm others.
2. Adapt speed and driving style to ability
All sledders must ride on sight. Speed and style of sledding must be adapted to skill level, terrain, snow and weather conditions, and traffic density. Sleds must not be tied together when descending. Sleds must not be driven head first.
3. Respect the lane
The sledder coming from behind must choose the lane in such a way that sledders in front are not endangered.
4. Overtake with distance
Overtaking is allowed from the right or from the left, but always at a distance that allows the overtaken sledder enough space for all movements.
5. Vor dem Ein- und Anfahren nach oben blicken
Look up before entering and starting up.
6. Stop at the side
Every sledder must avoid staying in narrow or unclear places without necessity. A fallen sledder must clear the place as soon as possible.
7. Climbing up and down at the side
A sledder ascending or descending from the sled must use the side of the sled run.
8. Observe the signs
Each sledder must observe markings and signaling.
9. Providing help
In case of accidents, every sledder is obliged to render assistance.
10. Specify personal data
Every sledder, whether witness or participant, whether responsible or not, must give personal details in the event of an accident.
*All rules apply equally to everyone, also regardless of the equipment (sled, toboggan, luge, airboard).