Portrait-Series by Roland Steffen.
My Pretty Praettigau

As history has proven many times, the people of the Praettigau also have rebellious traits. The inhabitants of the valley are also said to have strong regional roots, which are still evident today.
My pretty Prättigau.
A portrait series by Roland Steffen
Peter Aebli from Seewis.
President Kur- & Verkehrsverein
Konrad Anhorn from Ascharina.
Bernhard Bärtsch from Furna.
Farmer & slope fence builder
Luana Flütsch from St. Antönien.
Ski racer Swiss-Ski B-Kader
Monika Flütsch from St. Antönien.
Paper cut artist
Hitsch Kessler from Schiers.
Chimney sweep
Andreas Luck from Ascharina.
Gunsmith & Engraver
Lea Meier from Stels.
Biathlon Youth World Champion
Dorli Roffler from Pany.
Hostess Bodähütte
Gian Rupf aus Fanas.
Actor & Documentary Filmmaker
Andres Scherrer from Putz.
Mountain guide & entrepreneur
Andy Vetsch from Grüsch.
Founder Swiss Bike Masters
Marco Walli from Fideris.