Natural spectacle.
Alpine rose blossom

In the Praettigau, one mainly encounters the rusty-leaved alpine rose (Rhododéndron ferrugineum) from the heather family "Ericaceae". The flowering period varies, depending on altitude from mid-June to August. The alpine rose grows preferably on pastures and avoids lime (there you will meet the Bewimperte Alpenrose*). Officially, especially the leaves are considered "very poisonous".
*A little rarer is the creeping alpine rose (Rododéndron hirsutum). The difference is that the leaves are permanently green on both sides. At the edge they have about 1 mm long cilia and the flower is bright red, in contrast to the Rusty-leaved Alpine Rose, which have a bright red crown. From about 1500 meters above sea level, bees are usually out of the question for pollination. The job is then taken over by beetles, bumblebees, butterflies, etc., and alpine plants court their favor especially with bright colors.
Picking allowed!
The alpine rose may be picked, unlike edelweiss and gentian.