Flower Trail Fideriser Heuberge

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Easy hike in the Fideriser Heubergen, which are known for their abundance of flowers. The Heuberge can be reached in summer by private car (road is subject to approval) or by shuttle bus of the mountain houses.
Welcome to the Bluamäwäg in the Fideriser Heubergen, 2000 m above sea level. On easily accessible hiking trails, individual posts with a total of over 80 plant panels of the unique flora of the Fideriser Heuberge await you. Near the 7 wooden figures you will find the plants in their natural habitat. According to the flowering time of each flower, they appear in different forms every month. Marvel at the wonders of nature without damaging or collecting them.
The hiking trail is signposted throughout. You can walk in both directions. It is recommended to start at the restaurant Arflina and then first walk along the road downhill to the starting point
From the beginning of June, the spring flowers are in full splendour, e.g. cowbell, fur anemone, white fat leaf, etc.
Sturdy footwear is recommended.
Public Transport
Take the Rhaetian Railway to Küblis and the Postbus to Fideris.
Anreise Information
Via the A13 and the B28 to Fideris.
Shortly after the entrance to the village, free parking is available on the left side of the street. The parking of vehicles in the village square is only possible for a fee.
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