Toboggan run Boden - Ronggaletz (No. 2)

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After the foot ascent to the Bodähütte and a refreshment in the rustic Buuräbeizli it goes down to Ronggaletz in the shot - promising and enjoyable!
Refreshment stops at the Bodähütte (Saturday/Sunday as well as over the festive season and whenever the flag is blowing in the wind; for groups also outside these times by appointment). The Bodähütte also provides toboggans free of charge; enquire on Tel. +41 (0)76 593 88 92.
Special variant: Instead of taking your own sleigh, take a horse-drawn sleigh ride down to Pany - an Alpine-wide exclusivity.
Trail condition
Please note the current avalanche situation and associated closures. Latest news at
Public Transport
Take the Rhaetian Railway RhB to Schiers or Küblis and by post bus to Pany, continue to the Skilift stop. (timetable field 90.218 or 90.222)
Anreise Information
Take the A13 and the B28 to Küblis. Turn left in the middle of Küblis and follow Luzeinerstrasse uphill to Pany.
Parking P41 ski lift, P42 Güggelstein, P43 swimming pool are subject to charges. It can be paid with cash, Parkingpay-App, Easy-Park or TWINT.
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