Älpli - Junker Rundtour (marked trail no. 21)

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Not too long and yet somewhat demanding round trip directly from the village center of St.Antönien. The ascent is much steeper than the descent, but at the end of the tour you reach the beautiful and sunny refreshment stops Hochsitz or Elchhütte (open at ski lift operation). Beautiful view from different points of the village and the whole valley basin.
Trail marker no. 21 (red: moderately challenging)
Refreshments Hochsitz and Elchhütte (open at ski lift operation), towards the end of the tour.
The marked snowshoe trails of Pany and St. Antönien lead into the unsecured, partly alpine winter terrain. It is up to each tourer to fully equip himself and to inform himself about the snow and avalanche conditions before the tour. Please also note the safety instructions in the pocket map for the snowshoe trails and on the central information boards in Pany and St. Antönien.
The time is a guideline in good conditions for reasonably experienced tourers. Times for snowshoe tours can vary greatly depending on conditions, equipment and condition. Plan enough time and start early for the planned tour!
This tour description and the marking in the terrain do not constitute a tour recommendation. Every decision to climb is the sole responsibility of the individual tourer. It is strongly discouraged to climb in poor visibility conditions (fog, snowfall, etc.) or when there is an increased risk of avalanches. Attention spring conditions: From about March and generally on warm and/or very sunny days, tours must be completed early.
Well-functioning snowshoes, poles with winter plates, sturdy shoes, winter clothing. In winter, the wind can severely reduce the perceived temperature: winter gloves, hat, thermos bottle, etc. Don't forget!
It is advisable to carry a complete set of winter tour equipment including an avalanche transceiver on the marked snowshoe trails of Pany and St. Antönien.
Rental equipment:
Rätikon Sport AG Küblis, info@raetikonsport.ch, +41 81 332 36 36
Tour guide:
Dominik Karrer, St. Antönien, info@2000plus.ch , +41 79 761 44 58
Chlasi Salzgeber, Pany, nicolaus.salzgeber@gmail.com , +41 79 518 71 04
Kurt Süess, Pany, kurtsuess@bluewin.ch , +41 76 434 04 73
From the bus stop follow the pink marking, at the first junction keep right: Now it goes quite steeply uphill to the viewing terrace with the large transmission mast, from where you have a nice view over the whole St. Antönier scattered settlement: ideal for a first breather! Then it goes steeply uphill and through a forest on a narrow (summer) path until you reach the snow-covered alpine road at 1790m. Culmination point and beautiful resting place with a view of the rear basin and the Rätikon mountains. Now it goes comfortably down the alpine road, partly in the forest, until you leave it completely and turn left to the sunny excursion restaurant 'Hochsitz'. Above the piste, the marked trail leads towards the village and leads back to the starting point at the post bus stop.
Public Transport
With the < a href="http://www.rhb.ch/" target="_blank"> Rhaetian Railway RhB from Landquart or Davos to Küblis and by post bus to St. Antönien (timetable field 90.222). Some of the courses go to the terminus stop Rüti, the remaining courses to St.Antönien Platz (village).
Anreise Information
Take the A13 to Landquart, continue on the B28 to Küblis. Shortly after entering the village, turn left and follow Luzeinerstrasse uphill to Luzein, Pany, St. Antönien.
In St. Antönien all parking spaces are subject to a charge. In the parking lots you can pay with cash, Parkingpay app, Easy-Park or Twint.
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