323 Alp Valpun

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This tour makes bikers' hearts beat faster: panoramic view of the Rätikon chain on Alp Valpun. With beautiful downhill Stoffenburg back to the starting point.
From Pany you follow an alpine road with a moderate incline towards Bova and Alp Valpun, the highest point of the tour. There, the beautiful panoramic view of the Rätikon chain opens. On a well-navigable single trail you now drive westwards in the direction of Stels, always with a great view. From the mountain house "Zum See" you follow the normal tarred road down to Schiers.
Alternatively, turn left in Crals and follow the mountain bike tour 323 Alp Valpun to reach the start of the popular single trail "Stoffenburg" via a natural road.
Leave your bike at the top of the path and walk the last stretch to Lake Stels. There are water lilies and a nice barbecue area during the flowering season.
Pany - Alp Valpun - Stelserberg - Stels - Fajauna - Schiers
Public Transport
With the Rhaetian Railway RhB to Schiers (90.218) or Küblis (90.222) and the post bus to Pany.
Anreise Information
Via the A13 to Landquart, continue on the B28 to Küblis, then follow the Luzeinerstrasse left up (northwards) to Pany. At the entrance to the village turn left towards the ski lift/swimming pool.
Summer and winter: P41 ski lift, P42 Güggelstein, P43 swimming pool, parking is subject to charges. It can be paid with cash, Parkingpay-App, Easy-Park or TWINT.
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