Event Grüsch
Every year in August plays
a brilliant spectacle in the night sky. Countless shooting stars from
the constellation of Perseus captivates the insomniacs and seduces
a brilliant spectacle in the night sky. Countless shooting stars from
the constellation of Perseus captivates the insomniacs and seduces
CHF 25.00
Rosengarten House of Culture
Every year in August
, a brilliant spectacle takes place in the night sky. Countless shooting stars from
the constellation of Perseus captivate the insomniacs and tempt
even the most enlightened mind to a wish. But what do you want?
Justice for all or money for a new cast iron pan? A secure
job or the fulfillment of a childhood dream? Truth, or is it not enough
for others to believe you? "Wahrhalsig" these
questions are asked. In the end, a single answer remains: Not everything
that becomes true was desired.
Rosengarten House of Culture
Landstrasse 5, 7214 Grüsch
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