Sports Facility Grüsch
Launch site Fanas

Fanas is a very popular, versatile flying area with excellent thermals. Cross-country flights are possible to Arlberg, Innsbruck, Bolzano, Liechtenstein and the Rhine Valley. The start is always from the mountain station of the cable car.
Launch options: There are three different places to start. The most comfortable way, right next to the mountain station is the Eggli (1695 m above sea level). This launch site is recommended for southeasterly, southerly winds and not too strong southwesterly winds.
The other two places are located on the Höreli (1800 m above sea level), which can be reached after a short walk. One of them is towards the cable car and very convenient to start. This is suitable in the same wind conditions as the Eggli. At the other you start north. In this direction is also the wildlife reserve, which is why the pilots should turn left shortly after take-off and start at the earliest on the northern slope on the left with the soaren, ie over the ridge Höreli - Ochsenstein. The north launch site is suitable for northwest, north and northeast winds.
Another starting possibility is the Sassauna (2307 m above sea level). Whether you want to achieve this with top landing or with a hike, everyone can decide for themselves.
Landing sites: If you missed the thermal updrafts and want to go up again with the train, you can land in Fanas. The landing site is located about 200 m above the valley station. It is unplugged and signaled with a windsock.
In Grüsch, the landing site is located at the eastern end of the village, in summer it is essential to land along the long dirt road through the large fields. Windsock available. Please do not enter fields or tall grass. Strong valley wind in the afternoon!
Your local specialist:
Flight school / passenger flights
Grischa Flight Center, Stefan Hollenstein
Phone +41 79 336 19 19
Launch site Fanas
7215 Fanas
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